Price Match Guarantee

Our Price Match Guarantee (PMG) means that if you find a lower priced identical item that's in stock with a competitor, we will match it.

Simply supply your competitor price for an identical item and quantity. Your competitor quote must list the material and finishes. Your supplied quote can be hardcopy, webpage quote, or phone screen shot.

Your competitors quote must be within two weeks of your PMG request.

If you have received a lower price, please email the quote to and we will review and confirm the price with you as soon as possible.

What items are excluded from the PMG?

  • Items on sale
  • Cashback and coupon offers (i.e. supplier cashback or reduced price available via paper coupon or electronic codeword)
  • Commercial quantities and pricing (i.e. a reduced price not available to the public).
  • Stock liquidations (i.e. competitor clearance products or goods sold by a business placed into receivership)
  • We reserve the right to limit sales to reasonable retail quantities.